Wednesday, September 3, 2008


After a brief discussion with an American friend on the GOP vice-presidential hopeful Sarah Palin, I was so hyped up that I wanted to start my own blog. It's nothing special, I'll admit, and nothing one can't find elsewhere in about a million places. I have an idea for my first real post (I've had it written in my head for weeks, long before I even wanted to make a blog) but first I think it's necessary for me to give an idea about myself. Context is rather important.

My name is Jennifer and I'm 24 years old. I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. I have a younger brother and an older sister; I am very close to both of them, even though I go to school 6-7 hours away from them. I was raised by my workaholic father after my parents divorced when I was 7. He never instilled any religious beliefs in me - he didn't have to, and I love him very much for that.

I study biology at a major Ontario university. I've taken a few years longer than necessary to boost myself, and decide what I really want to do with my life. My major interest is in environmental policy and I'd love to be involved in making it, or consulting on it. It frustrates me that major environmental laws are often made by people who don't understand science and I'd like to change that. I understand that one needs to take into account various factors when making policy (economics, engineering, social impacts) and I'd like to put the science back together with those things. My biological interests focus more on evolution, animal behaviour, and ecology.

My politics are more liberal than those of most liberals. I have known and dated fiscal/social conservatives, fiscal conservatives/social liberals, and out-and-out liberals. My family's politics are diverse which can be both interesting and irritating. I believe that one doesn't need religion to be a moral person, and that corporations are not people. That religious principles should hold no sway over law, that women are socially equal to men and that education should be fully-funded.

However, I'm not one of those pussy "live and let live, don't do anything to offend anyone" liberals. I do not believe in tolerance for all things: the idea that we need to protect and accept religion's mandates on us while it takes our freedoms is one that repulses me. Tolerance is for people, not outdated ideas that are meant to repress us.

I am a nerd and I date nerds. I came from a family of nerds. I fully intend to marry a nerd and raise my children to be nerds. I play video games and read comic books, I read books on pathology and French medieval history for fun. I'm a know-it-all and I love to correct people on their spelling. I'm admittedly a fangirl, one of those annoying people who can whine over a movie because it didn't stick to the material upon which it was based. My musical tastes are eclectic at best, frightening at worst. I role-play, but I don't LARP (that's going too far).

I honestly don't know right now what this blog will be about. I might blog about how I am anti-theist, or about the need to educate people about science. I might rant about television shows or specific books. I'll probably write a lot closer to the Canadian and American federal elections. Or I might just talk about my cat a lot. Either way, I'm hoping it will at least be interesting if it doesn't at least help change minds.

1 comment:

Huxley said...


Honored to have the first comment ever. It's about time you're doing this. You're a wonderful writer, and I know I'll be enjoying the blog immensely.